Thursday 16 May 2013

Transitions for a housewarming

This is one of my quilts, made for a relative, as a housewarming for his new place.  He moved in last in 2012.  It was ready in December (yay, less than a year!!), but sadly I didn't get it delivered until a few weeks missed my self-imposed 1 year deadline.   

 This is a jelly roll quilt, with 4 fabrics added to the blocks.  If I recall correctly, the jelly roll was Coconut.  Choosing the additional fabrics for the blocks and the setting triangles was really hard...this quilt wanted to be a different color than I wanted it to be!  Fortunately I had some great help pulling fabrics at Along Came Quilting, (thanks Kim) and it turned out beautifully.
 It is a large lap quilt....because the recipient is 6'9".

 The borders got a Ferny-feather treatment, which was appropriate for the fabric, and also the recipient, who originally trained as a horticulturalist.
The batting is a soy/cotton blend.  I drew a different design on my whiteboard, over and over, got it down cold (or so I thought), but when I started stitching, these spirals are what came out of the machine, LOL.

Hit the link if you want to see two more Transitions quilts that I have quilted.  I enjoy seeing the same pattern in different fabrics and quilting treatments.

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