Sunday, 26 July 2015

finished the last WIP--100 Modern Blocks Tula Pink

June and July are very busy family months, with year end for school and activities, and summer vacation for the kids.   I've kept up with reading other people blogs, but have not been writing any posts of my own.

Last week, I was blessed with a few days alone, as kids were off at camp or Grandpa's and DH was away for work.  It was bliss.  I quilted 2 quilts of my own, bound one of them, and finished piecing my 100 Modern Blocks Tula Pink quilt by adding the sashings and the borders, so now that's in my TBQ (to be quilted) pile (need to buy backing), and that has officially finished off my WIP (works in progress) list.  Yep, that's right, I have zero WIP's.  I DO have two quilts in the TBQ pile.    I also have several projects for which I bought fabric in June at Quilt Canada, so I"ll be ready for some piecing time at retreat this fall. 
100 Modern Quilt Blocks by Tula Pink, kitted by Along Came Quilting as a BOM.  90x90

This week, I've picked up the kid at camp, and we've also come to Grandpa's to enjoy some time on the farm and with family, so I'm hoping I'll have a chance to catch up on some blogging.  I see I've got quilts from as long ago as May I haven't shown yet. 

1 comment:

  1. Amazing how much you can get done when the opportunity arises. The Tula Pink quilt is very fun!


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