Tuesday, 22 November 2016

Chevrons by Kathleen

Kathleen often just says "have fun" when she hands me her quilt.  And, so I do.

I've been wanting to quilt a Chevron quilt for some time, so thanks for making one for me to play with Kathleen.

 I quilted a wedge design in the coloured rows, and various designs in the white rows.   I'm pretty sure I saw the continuous curve - wedge design on one of Nightowl Quilting's posts. 
 Every second row got u-turns.  The other white rows were unique.   Designs from Angela Walters, Jodi Robinson, or just that I've seen around or done before.

 I rarely used a pure white thread before meeting Kathleen.  She brings me all these marvelous quilts with white backgrounds....I've had to restock my white thread twice :)  Great problem to have. 
 Kathleen always brings interesting backs.  I love this fabric below. 


  1. Love it and will keep that design idea in mind for the future.

  2. It's pretty. I have a chevron quilt to quilt for a friend of mine and I just don't know how to quilt it. Thanks for all the clues !


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