Monday, 28 November 2016

Magic Squares

This is one my my quilts, I made it this summer, from a kit I'd bought at Quilt Canada in Lethbridge last year.

I bought it because I really liked the look and layout of the sample they had, but, of course, I wound up playing and changing the layout. 

It was a neat quilt to make--it used 5" WOF strips, which is one of the pre-cut sizes you can buy.

E's and 3's and a nice minkee on the back

I found a photo of my blocks in the layout shown on the pattern, but I decided that I wanted the more traditional barn raising layout.  I might have liked the layout below more had I bothered to move the fabrics around a bit more. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh Michelle! I LOVE your decision to lay it out like a barn raising. It reminds me of the glow of moonlight rising up over the ski mountains in Vail. "Moonlight in Vail" would make a great title for it!!
    Your E's & 3's always look soooo smooth. Wish I could get mine to curve so nice & uniform.


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