Friday, 23 May 2014

E's and 3's larger scale

I wanted to show this quilt, because it's the same quilting pattern as the Low Volume YBR I showed a few weeks ago, but on a larger scale.

This is a donation quilt that my guild has made.  
 I think it's very effective at this size too....that's what I love about this pattern so much, it can be miniscule or large or anything in between.

Here's a picture of the miniscule, from my Forever Quilt

And here's another version of the same quilt, with a simple meander and heart for the quilting.  I really enjoyed quilting these, as the fabrics were fun to look at.


  1. The texture from that quilting on the top one is really cool!! I think that textures are my favorite things right now - great job!

  2. I love your 3s and e's they look so good! My favourite pattern on quilts so far!!


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