This is the 'before' picture of Heather T's Scraps of Life quilt. When I googled that quilt name, this is what came up
I think it's called Scraps of Life, because for most people, it would take a lifetime to piece. If I counted correctly, each block has 181 pieces in it. The squares in this quilt finish at 1".
Heather wanted to keep the quilting traditional looking, and we knew that the piecing had to shine, and that not much would show against the piecing, so we chose the Plumage panto to add a feather texture to this quilt. No point in paying for custom quilting that won't show.
As expected, the quilting doesn't show much, so the panto was a great option.
Have a look at the directional fabric in the block below--the wavy lines are all marching in the same direction.
I didn't expect much to show on this busy backing, but the quilting texture actually showed better on the back.
181 1" pieces per block...20 blocks....every point was pointy, my jaw is still on the floor
Thanks for letting me play with your Scraps of Life quilt Heather.
That is incredible. Simply amazing!